
5 Cool Windows XP Tips

Stretching the taskbar
Sometimes your taskbar gets a little tight and cramped for room. When this happens, give it a stretch.
First, unlock your taskbar by right-clicking the taskbar, and then clicking Lock the Taskbar if it is selected (this will un-select it). Scroll your mouse over the top edge of the taskbar until you see the vertical resize cursor (arrow pointing up and down). Click, hold and drag the top of the taskbar up. Isn't that better? Once you find a place where you like it, you should re-select Lock the Taskbar

Adding a special character
There are probably one or two special characters that you use regularly (for example, ® and ©). It can be a real time-waster to open your Character Map every time you want to insert one of these symbols. So don't! Open the Character Map by clicking Start, clicking All Programs, and then clicking Accessories. Click System Tools, and then click Character Map. Click the © symbol. Notice that the bottom-right corner of the Character Map shows the keyboard shortcut used to insert the special character. Write it down for later use. When you want to insert that character, here's the trick: Position the cursor where you want to insert the special character, then with NUM LOCK key on, hold down the ALT key and use the number pad keys to type the character value.
Open files with one click
It just makes sense that if you can do the same thing in Windows with a single click of the mouse that you can do with two clicks, you'd take the shorter route, right?
If you want to change your two clicks to one, click Start, click My Computer. Under the Tools menu, click Folder Options. Now click the General tab in the dialog box, click Single-click to open an item (point to select), and then click OK. This makes everything in Windows exactly one click faster.
Change your pointer scheme
The first thing I do when I get a new computer is head straight for the cursors and change them. It's not that the default ones are bad; I've just been using the same ones forever and I'm not comfortable using anything else. If you want to change your pointer scheme, click Start, and then click Control Panel. In Category View (vs. Classic View) click on Printers and Other Hardware, and then click on Mouse. Click the Pointers tab and browse the available themes. Select the one that suits you best, and then click OK.
Change the power button
I rarely ever shut down my computer; instead, I tend to put my system into stand by mode. Here's a clever way to speed up this task and make your computer's power button put your computer into stand by for you. Click Start and open the Control Panel. In Category View, click Performance and Maintenance, and then click Power Options. In the Power Options Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab. Under Power Buttons, select Stand by in the When I press the power button on my computer area, and then click OK. Now, when you push your computer's power button, your system will immediately go to stand by.


Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

1I had so much fun assembling the Windows XP Keyboard Shortcuts, and they proved to be so popular, that I put together another one just for Firefox. In addition to the shortcuts, I included additional reference information for configuring Firefox.

Download the Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts tri-fold. Just as with the latest version of the Windows XP Keyboard Shortcuts, do not forget to print double-sided on a single sheet of paper. Also be sure to validate the driver is set to print in landscape.


3D Studio Max Keyboard shortcuts.

Information:This guide is based on 3D Studio Max 7.

Snaps Action Table :
Snap To Edge/Segment Toggle : Alt+F10
Snap To Endpoint Toggle : Alt+F8
Snap To Face Toggle : Alt+F11
Snap To Grid Points Toggle : Alt+F5
Snap To Midpoint Toggle : Alt+F9
Snap To Pivot Toggle : Alt+F6
Snap To Vertex Toggle : Alt+F7

Main UI :

Adaptive Degradation Toggle : O
Align : Alt+A
Angle Snap Toggle : A
Arc Rotate View Mode : Ctrl+R
Auto Key Mode Toggle : N
Background Lock Toggle : Alt+Ctrl+B
Backup Time One Unit : ,
Bottom View : B
Camera View : C
Clone : Ctrl+V
Cycle Active Snap Type : Alt+S
Cycle Selection Method : Ctrl+F
Cycle Snap Hit : Alt+Shift+S
Default Lighting Toggle : Ctrl+L
Delete Objects : .
Disable Viewport : D
Display as See-Through Toggle : Alt+X
Environment Dialog Toggle : 8
Expert Mode Toggle : Ctrl+X
Fetch : Alt+Ctrl+F
Forward Time One Unit : .
Front View : F
Go to End Frame : End
Go to Start Frame : Home
Hide Cameras Toggle : Shift+C
Hide Geometry Toggle : Shift+G
Hide Grids Toggle : G
Hide Helpers Toggle : Shift+H
Hide Lights Toggle : Shift+L
Hide Particle Systems Toggle : Shift+P
Hide Shapes Toggle : Shift+S
Hide Space Warps Toggle : Shift+W
Hold : Alt+Ctrl+H
Isometric User View : U
Left View : L
Lock User Interface Toggle : Alt+0
Material Editor Toggle : M
Maximize Viewport Toggle : Alt+W
MAXScript Listener : F11
New Scene : Ctrl+N
Normal Align : Alt+N
Open File : Ctrl+O
Pan View : Ctrl+P
Pan Viewport : I
Percent Snap Toggle : Shift+Ctrl+P
Perspective User View : P
Place Highlight : Ctrl+H
Play Animation : /
Quick Align : Shift+A
Quick Render : Shift+Q
Redo Scene Operation : Ctrl+Y
Redo Viewport Operation : Shift+Y
Redraw All Views : `
Render Last : F9
Render Scene Dialog Toggle : F10
Restrict Plane Cycle : F8
Restrict to X : F5
Restrict to Y : F6
Restrict to Z : F7
Save File : Ctrl+S
Scale Cycle : Ctrl+E
Select All : Ctrl+A
Select Ancestor : PageUp
Select and Move : W
Select and Rotate : E
Select By Name : H
Select Child : PageDown
Select Children : Ctrl+PageDown
Select Invert : Ctrl+I
Select None : Ctrl+D
Selection Lock Toggle : Space
Set Key Mode : '
Set Keys : K
Shade Selected Faces Toggle : F2
Show Floating Dialogs : Ctrl+`
Show Main Toolbar Toggle : Alt+6
Show Safeframes Toggle : Shift+F
Show Selection Bracket Toggle : J
Snap To Frozen Objects Toggle : Alt+F2
Snaps Toggle : S
Snaps Use Axis Constraints Toggle : Alt+D, Alt+F3
Sound Toggle : \
Spacing Tool : Shift+I
Spot/Directional Light View : Shift+4
Sub-object Level Cycle : Insert
Sub-object Selection Toggle : Ctrl+B
Top View : T
Transform Gizmo Size Down : -
Transform Gizmo Size Up : =
Transform Gizmo Toggle : X
Transform Type-In Dialog Toggle : F12
Undo Scene Operation : Ctrl+Z
Undo Viewport Operation : Shift+Z
Update Background Image : Alt+Shift+Ctrl+B
View Edged Faces Toggle : F4
Viewport Background : Alt+B
Virtual Viewport Pan Down : NumPad 2
Virtual Viewport Pan Left : NumPad 4
Virtual Viewport Pan Right : NumPad 6
Virtual Viewport Pan Up : NumPad 8
Virtual Viewport Toggle : NumPad /
Virtual Viewport Zoom In : NumPad +
Virtual Viewport Zoom Out : NumPad -
Wireframe / Smooth+Highlights Toggle : F3
Zoom Extents All Selected : Z
Zoom Extents All : Shift+Ctrl+Z
Zoom Extents : Alt+Ctrl+Z
Zoom In 2X : Alt+Shift+Ctrl+Z
Zoom Mode : Alt+Z
Zoom Out 2X : Alt+Shift+Z
Zoom Region Mode : Ctrl+W
Zoom Viewport In : [, Ctrl+=
Zoom Viewport Out : ], Ctrl+-

Track View

Add Keys : A
Apply Ease Curve : Ctrl+E
Apply Multiplier Curve : Ctrl+M
Assign Controller : C
Copy Controller : Ctrl+C
Expand Object Toggle : O
Expand Track Toggle : Enter, T
Filters : Q
Lock Selection : Space
Lock Tangents Toggle : L
Make Controller Unique : U
Move Highlight Down : Down Arrow
Move Highlight Up : Up Arrow
Move Keys : M
Nudge Keys Left : Left Arrow
Nudge Keys Right : Right Arrow
Pan : P
Paste Controller : Ctrl+V
Scroll Down : Ctrl+Down Arrow
Scroll Up : Ctrl+Up Arrow
Snap Frames : S
Zoom : Z
Zoom Hrizontal Extents Keys : Alt+X


Visual Studio shorucut keys

Here is my current list of keyboard shortcut that i frequently use at work. An asterisk (*) means a custom keyboard mapping that i am using. I'm currently on a one week no-mouse therapy hopefully to learn more to use the keyboard.

Visual Studio
Ctrl+Alt+L : Solution Explorer
Ctrl+Alt+S : Server Explorer
Ctrl+Alt+- : *Collapse all projects from Solution Explorer(macro)
Ctrl+Alt+0 : *Run Tests (TD.NET)
Ctrl+Alt+9 : *Debug Tests (TD.NET)
Ctrl+Alt+8 : *View Output Window
Ctrl+Alt+7 : *View Find Results Window
Ctrl+Alt+6 : *Run on (running scripts to data connections)
Shift+Escape : Close Tool Window
Ctrl+Alt+P : Attach to Process (Resharper overrides this one)
Ctrl+Shift+E : *Enable All Breakpoints
Ctrl+Shift+D : *Disable All Breakpoints
Ctrl+Shift+F9 : Remove all Breakpoints
F5 : Debug Start
Shift+F5 : Debug Stop

I suggest you print a hardcopy of the Resharper keymap pdf here and post it in your desk wall.
Ctrl+N : Find by type
Ctrl+Shift+N : Find by file
Alt+F7 : Find usage
Ctrl+Alt+U : Find usage window
Ctrl+Down : Next method
Ctrl+Up : Previous method
Ctrl+Alt+B : Go to inheritors
Ctrl+U : Go to base
Ctrl+B : Go to Declaration
Shift+F6 or F2 : Rename
Ctrl+Shift+R : Refactor
Ctrl+Alt+Space : Type name completion
Ctrl+Space : Basic code completion (including suggested variable name)
Ctrl+P : Show parameters
Ctrl+Q : Quick documentation popup (don't forget ctrl+escape is close tool window)
Ctrl+F12 : File Structure Popup (this has a hidden search feature, just type the initial letters of the member name, press enter to go to its declaration)
Ctrl+Shift+V : Clipboard Popup (No need to access the clipboard ring tab)
Ctrl+Alt+F : Reformat code (not following coding standards eh, it's a breeze)
Alt+Insert : Generate Code (Overriding Equals and GetHashCode made easy)
Ctrl+E : Show recent files

F2 : Rename file
Alt+Down : Toggle dropdown
F6 : Go to address bar

/: Find text
F3 : Next Find
Ctrl+T : Open new Tab
Alt+Enter : Open in new tab the result of search if in quick search, location if in URL bar
Ctrl+L : Go to Location bar
Ctrl+K : Go to Web search bar

Virtual PC
Left Alt+Down : Minimize Virtual PC
Left Alt+Enter : Maximize
Left Alt+Delete : Next Find
Ctrl+T : Open new Tab
Alt+Enter : Open in new tab the result of search if in quick search, location if in URL bar

Remote Desktop
Ctrl+Alt+Pause : Switch from Full Screen to Windowed (i'd rather do the normal keyboard shortcuts in full screen)



See our Microsoft Word page for additional help and information.

Ctrl + A : Select all contents of the page.
Ctrl + B : Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl + C : Copy selected text.
Ctrl + X : Cut selected text.
Ctrl + P : Open the print window.
Ctrl + F : Open find box.
Ctrl + I : Italic highlighted selection.
Ctrl + K : Insert link.
Ctrl + U : Underline highlighted selection.
Ctrl + V : Paste.
Ctrl + Y : Redo the last action performed.
Ctrl + Z : Undo last action.
Ctrl + L : Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen.
Ctrl + E : Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen.
Ctrl + R : Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen.
Ctrl + M : Indent the paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + F : Change the font.
Ctrl + Shift + > : Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increases font +2pts.
Ctrl + ] : Increase selected font +1pts.
Ctrl + Shift + < : Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt or lower, if above 12 decreases font by +2pt.
Ctrl + [ : Decrease selected font -1pts. Ctrl + Shift + * : View or hide non printing characters. Ctrl + : Moves one word to the left.
Ctrl + : Moves one word to the right.
Ctrl + : Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph.
Ctrl + : Moves to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl + Del : Deletes word to right of cursor.
Ctrl + Backspace :Deletes word to left of cursor.
Ctrl + End : Moves the cursor to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Home : Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + Spacebar : Reset highlighted text to the default font.
Ctrl + 1 : Single-space lines.
Ctrl + 2 : Double-space lines.
Ctrl + 5 : 1.5-line spacing.
Ctrl + Alt + 1 : Changes text to heading 1.
Ctrl + Alt + 2 : Changes text to heading 2.
Ctrl + Alt + 3 : Changes text to heading 3.
Ctrl + F1 : Open the Task Pane.
F1 : Open Help.
Shift + F3 : Change the case of the selected text.
Shift + Insert : Paste.
F4 : Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)
F5 : Open goto window.
F7 : Spell check selected text and/or document.
Shift + F7 : Activate the thesaurus.
F12 : Save as.
Shift + F12 : Save.
Alt + Shift + D : Insert the current date.
Alt + Shift + T : Insert the current time.


Photoshop Shortcut Keys

File Menu Shortcuts :
Ctrl+N: New Document
Ctrl+O: Open Document
Shift+Ctrl+O: Browse
Alt+Ctrl+O:Open As
Ctrl+W: Close
Ctrl+Shift+W: Close All
Ctrl+S: Save
Ctrl+Shift+S: Save As
Ctrl+Alt+S: Save a Copy
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S: Save for Web
Ctrl+Shift+P: Page Setup
Ctrl+Shift+M: Jump to Image Ready
Ctrl+Q: Exit

Viewing Shortcuts:
Ctrl+Y: Proof Colors
Ctrl++: Zoom In
Ctrl+-: Zoom Out
Ctrl+Alt++: Zoom In & Resize Window
Ctrl+Alt+-: Zoom Out & Resize Window
Ctrl+Alt+0: Actual Pixels
Ctrl+Shift+H: Show/Hide Target Path
Ctrl+R: Show/Hide Rulers
Ctrl+Shift+;: On/Off Snap
Ctrl+H: Show/Hide Extras
Ctrl+Alt+;: Lock Guides
Ctrl+;: Show Guides
Ctrl+': Show Grid

Tools Shortcuts:
A: Path Component Selection Tool
B: Paintbrush Tool
C: Crop Tool
D: Changes Default Colour Palettes To Black Foreground, White Background
E: Eraser Tool
F: Cycle Screen Modes
G: Gradient Tool
H: Hand Tool
I: Eyedropper Tool
J: Airbrush Tool
K: Slice Tool
L: Lasso Tool
M: Marquee Tool
N: Notes
O: Dodge/Burn/Sponge Tool
P: Pen Tool
Q: Quick Mask
R: Blur/Sharpen/Smudge Tool
S: Clone Stamp
T: Type Tool
U: Shape Tool
V: Move Tool
W: Magic Wand
X: Swap Colours On Colour Pallete
Y: History Brush
Z: Zoom

Tool Layer Shortcuts:
Ctrl+Shift+N: New Layer
Ctrl+J: Layer via Copy
Ctrl+Shift+J: Layer via Cut
Ctrl+G: Group with Previous
Ctrl+Shift+]: Bring to Front
Ctrl+]: Bring Forward
Ctrl+[: Send Backward
Ctrl+Shift+[: Send Back
Ctrl+E: Merge Layers
Ctrl+Shift+E: Merge Visible

Image Manipulation Shortcuts:
Ctrl+L: Adjust Levels
Ctrl+Shift+L: Adjust Auto Levels
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L: Adjust Auto Contrast
Ctrl+M: Adjust Curves
Ctrl+B: Adjust Color Balance
Ctrl+U: Adjust Hue/Saturation
Ctrl+Shift+U: Desaturate
Ctrl+I: Invert
Ctrl+Alt+X: Extract

Filters Shortcuts:
Ctrl+F: Last Filter
Ctrl+Shift+F: Fade
Ctrl+Alt+X: Extract
Ctrl+Shift+X: Liquify
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+X: Pattern Make

Selection Shortcuts:
Ctrl+A: Select All
Ctrl+D: Deselect
Ctrl+Shift+D: Reselect
Ctrl+Shift+I: Inverse
Ctrl+Alt+D: Feather

Random Shortcuts:
Alt+Backspace: Fill with Forground Color
Shift+Backspace: Fill with Background Color
Alt+]: Ascend through Layers
Alt+[: Descend through Layers
Shift+Alt+]: Select Top Layer
Shift+Alt+[: Select Bottom Layer
Tab: Show/Hide All Palettes

Taken From Tutorial Dash Forum.


What Are the Flash Shortcut Keys?

The following is a complete list of keyboard shortcuts for Flash. Note that standard keyboard shortcuts, such as Command/Control C to copy and Command/Control V to paste, are omitted.
Note: Flash 5 and above supports customizable keyboard shortcuts. Choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts to open the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog.

A - Arrow/Cursor
T - Text Tool
P - Pencil
I - Ink Bottle
B - Paint Brush
U - Paint Bucket
E - Eraser
D - Dropper
M - Magnifier
L - Lasso

F5 - Add frame
Shift F5 - Delete Frame
F6 - Add Key Frame
F7 - Add Blank Key Frame
F8 - Make Symbol

Time line
Enter - Play Command/Control 0 (zero) - Rewind
< - Previous Frame
> - Next Frame
Home - Go to First Scene
End - Go to Last Scene
Page Up - Go to Previous Scene
Page Down - Go to Next Scene

Command/Control R - Import Image/Sound/etc...
Command/Control Shift R - Export to .swf/.spl/.gif/etc...
Command/Control Shift O - Open as Library

Command/Control 1 - View movie at 100% size
Command/Control 2 - Show Frame
Command/Control 3 - Show All

Command/Control L - Show/Hide Library
Command/Control M - Modify Movie Properties
Command/Control E - Toggle between Edit Movie& Edit Symbol Mode
Command/Control Shift L - Show/Hide Time line
Command/Control Shift W - Show/Hide Work Area

Modifying and editing
Command/Control G - Group
Command/Control U - Ungroup
Command/Control B - Break Apart
Command/Control Shift V - Paste in Place
Command/Control D - Duplicate
Command/Control A - Select All
Command/Control Shift A - Deselect All
Command/Control Shift O - Optimize Curves
Command/Control K - Align Window
Command/Control Shift S - Scale and Rotate
Command/Control Shift Z - Remove Transform
Command/Control Up Arrow - Move Ahead
Command/Control Down Arrow - Move Behind
Command/Control Shift Up Arrow - Bring to Front
Command/Control Shift Down Arrow - Send to Back
Command/Control T - Modify Font
Command/Control Shift T - Modify Paragraph
Command/Control left Arrow - Narrower Letter Spacing (kerning)
Command/Control right Arrow - wider Letter Spacing (kerning)

Other tricks
With the arrow cursor:
Control + Click and Drag - Duplicates a shape
By hitting the control key first (Macintosh & Windows) and THEN clicking and dragging on a selected shape or group of shapes, you will create a duplicate of those shapes at the spot where you release the mouse button.
Command/Control Clicking a keyframe to move frame Command/Control clicking a frame in the timeline switches the cursor to a slider, and allows you to click and drag that frame to a new place in the timeline within that same layer. This is a very useful function for editing the positioning of tweens, etc. in the time line.

With the magnifier tool:
Control + Click
- Toggles to the opposite magnifier. If the + magnifier (zoom in) is active, and you hit Control while clicking, you will switch to the - magnifier and actually zoom OUT.

With the dropper tool:
Shift + Click
- Select a color for both fill and outline tools Clicking a red fill will do the same, giving you the Bucket tool, and switching fill colors to red. But the outline tool colors are not changed. Clicking on text switches the text tool to that color, and gives you the text tool. Shift clicking with the dropper makes the color you click on active for ALL tools, and doesn't automatically switch you to any tool. It leaves the dropper active.
This is one of the least well known short cuts in Flash, and is the ONLY way to use the dropper on an outline for example, and then be able to switch to the fill tool and have that color automatically active already.

Zoom In - CTRL + ‘+’
Zoom Out - CTRL + ‘-’

Add Frame – F5
Delete Frame – SHIFT + F5
Add Key Frame – F6
Add Blank Key Frame – F7

Symbol (MovieClip, Button, Graphic)
Turn Into Symbol – F8
Insert New Symbol - CTRL + F8

Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts

Display Help : F1.
Toggle between full-screen and regular views of the browser window :
Move forward through the items on a webpage, the Address bar, or the Links bar : TAB.
Move back through the items on a webpage, the Address bar, or the Links bar : SHIFT+TAB.
Go to your home page : ALT+HOME.
Go to the next page : ALT+RIGHT ARROW.
Go to the previous page : ALT+LEFT ARROW or BACKSPACE.
Display a shortcut menu for a link : SHIFT+F10.
Move forward through frames and browser elements (only works if tabbed browsing is disabled) : CTRL+TAB or F6.
Move backward between frames (only works if tabbed browsing is disabled) : CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Scroll toward the beginning of a document : UP ARROW.
Scroll toward the end of a document : DOWN ARROW.
Scroll toward the beginning of a document in larger increments : PAGE UP.
Scroll toward the end of a document in larger increments : PAGE DOWN.
Move to the beginning of a document : HOME.
Move to the end of a document : END.
Find on this page : CTRL+F.
Refresh the current webpage : F5.
Refresh the current webpage, even if the time stamp for the web version and your locally stored version are the same : CTRL+F5 .
Stop downloading a page : ESC .
Open a new website or page : CTRL+O
Open a new window : CTRL+N
Close the current window (if you only have one tab open) : CTRL+W
Save the current page : CTRL+S
Print the current page or active frame : CTRL+P
Activate a selected link : ENTER
Open Favorites : CTRL+I
Open History : CTRL+H
Open Feeds : CTRL+J
Open the Page menu : ALT+P
Open the Tools menu : ALT+T
Open the Help menu : ALT+H


windows shortcut

Switch to the next program: ALT+TAB.
Switch to the previous program: ALT+SHIFT+TAB.
Display the Windows Start menu: CTRL+ESC.
Close the selected workbook window: CTRL+W or CTRL+F4.
Restore the window size of the selected workbook window: CTRL+F5.
When more than one workbook window is open, switch to the next workbook window: CTRL+F6.
Switch to the previous workbook window: CTRL+SHIFT+F6.
Minimize a workbook window to an icon: CTRL+F9.
Maximize or restore the selected workbook window: CTRL+F10.
Copy a picture of the screen to the Clipboard: PRINT SCREEN.
Copy a picture of the selected window to the Clipboard: ALT+PRINT SCREEN.
Select the next item in a smart tag menu: DOWN ARROW.
Select the previous item in a smart tag menu: UP ARROW.
Perform the action for the selected item in a smart tag menu: ENTER.
Close the smart tag menu or message: ESC.
Select the menu bar, or close an open menu and submenu at the same time: F10 or ALT.
When a toolbar is selected, select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbar: TAB or SHIFT+TAB.
When a toolbar is selected, select the next or previous toolbar: CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB.
Open the selected menu, or perform the action for the selected button or command: ENTER.
Display the Shortcut menu for the selected item: SHIFT+F10.
Display the Control menu for the Excel window: ALT+SPACEBAR.
When a menu or submenu is open, select the next or previous command: DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW.
Select the menu to the left or right. When a submenu is open, switch between the main menu and the submenu: LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW.
Select the first or last command on the menu or submenu: HOME or END.
Close an open menu. When a submenu is open, close only the submenu: ESC.
Display the full set of commands on a menu: CTRL+DOWN ARROW.
Show or hide the Standard toolbar: CTRL+7.
Move to the next option or option group: TAB.
Move to the previous option or option group: SHIFT+TAB.
Switch to the next tab in a dialog box: CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box: CTRL+SHIFT+TAB or CTRL+PAGE UP.
Perform the action for the selected button, or select or clear the selected check box: SPACEBAR.
Open the selected drop-down list: ALT+DOWN ARROW.
Perform the action for the default command button in the dialog box (the button with the bold outline, often the OK button): ENTER.
Cancel the command and close the dialog box: ESC.
Move to the beginning of the entry: HOME.
Move to the end of the entry: END.
Move one character to the left or right: LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW.
Move one word to the left: CTRL+LEFT ARROW.
Move one word to the right: CTRL+RIGHT ARROW.
Select or unselect one character to the left: SHIFT+LEFT ARROW.
Select or unselect one character to the right: SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW.
Select or unselect one word to the left: CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW.
Select or unselect one word to the right: CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW.
Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry: SHIFT+HOME.
Select from the insertion point to the end of the entry: SHIFT+END.
Go to the previous folder: ALT+1


AutoCAD Shortcut Keys

I have often forgotten some of those obscure Shortcut keys...

So here is a list...

CTRL+A - Selects ALL objects in drawing
CTRL+B - Toggles Snap
CTRL+C - Copies objects to Clipboard
CTRL+D - Toggles coordinate display
CTRL+E - Cycles through isometric planes
CTRL+F - Toggles running object snaps
CTRL+G - Toggles Grid
CTRL+H - Toggles PICKSTYLE on/off
CTRL+J - Executes last command
CTRL+L - Toggles Ortho mode
CTRL+N - Creates a new drawing
CTRL+O - Opens existing drawing
CTRL+P - Prints current drawing
CTRL+R - Cycles layout viewports
CTRL+S - Saves current drawing
CTRL+T - Toggles Tablet mode
CTRL+V - Pastes data from Clipboard
CTRL+X - Cuts objects to Clipboard
CTRL+Y - Repeats last action
CTRL+Z - Reverses last action
CTRL+[ - Cancels current command - forget this - use escape key
CTRL+\ - Cancels current command - forget this - use escape key
F1 - Displays Help
F2 - Toggles text window on/off
F3 - Toggles OSNAP
F4 - Toggles TABMODE
F5 - Toggles ISOPLANE
F6 - Toggles COORDS
F7 - Toggles GRIDMODE
F8 - Toggles ORTHOMODE
F9 - Toggles SNAPMODE
CTRL+0 - Clean Screen
CTRL+1 - Properties
CTRL+2 - Design Center
CTRL+3 - Tool Palettes Window
CTRL+4 - Sheet Set Manager
CTRL+5 - Info Palette
CTRL+6 - dbConnect
CTRL+7 - Markup Set Manager
CTRL+8 - QuickCalc
CTRL+9 - Command Line
Acad2004/2005/2006 default Combo Short-cuts


Keys for navigating records

Navigate in Design view
To switch between Edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and Navigation mode : F2
To switch to the property sheet (Design view in forms and reports in databases and Access projects) : F4
To switch to Form view from form Design view : F5
To switch between the upper and lower portions of a window (Design view of the Advanced Filter/Sort window only) : F6
To switch to the Code Builder from form or report Design view (Design view window or property sheet) : F7
Invokes the field list in a form, report , or data access page. If field list is already open, moves focus to field list : F8
To switch from the Visual Basic Editor to form or report Design view : SHIFT+F7
To switch from a control's property sheet in form or report Design view to the design surface without changing the control focus : SHIFT+F7
To display a property sheet in Design view : ALT+ENTER
To open the selected form in Form view : ENTER or ALT+O
To open the selected table, query, form, report, data access page, macro, or module in Design view : CTRL+ENTER or ALT+D
With focus set to a section, will move the focus to a subsection : CTRL+TAB
To add a control to a section : SHIFT+ENTER
To copy the selected control to the Clipboard : CTRL+C
To cut the selected control and copy it to the Clipboard : CTRL+X
To paste the contents of the Clipboard in the upper-left corner of the selected section : CTRL+V To move the selected control to the right by a pixel along the page's grid : RIGHT ARROW
To move the selected control to the left by a pixel along the page’s grid : LEFT ARROW
To move the selected control up by a pixel along the page’s grid : UP ARROW
To move the selected control down by a pixel along the page’s grid : DOWN ARROW
To move the selected control to the right by a pixel (irrespective of the page’s grid) : CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
To move the selected control to the left by a pixel (irrespective of the page’s grid) : CTRL+LEFT ARROW
To move the selected control up by a pixel (irrespective of the page’s grid) : CTRL+UP ARROW
To move the selected control down by a pixel (irrespective of the page’s grid) : CTRL+DOWN ARROW
To increase the width of the selected control (to the right) by a pixel : SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
To decrease the width of the selected control (to the left) by a pixel :SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
To decrease the height of the selected control (from the bottom) by a pixel : SHIFT+UP ARROW
To increase the height of the selected control (from the bottom) by a pixel : SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
To move the focus from the page design surface to the address/subject dialog box when sending a page as an e-mail : SHIFT+TAB
To move the focus from the Field List or Data Outline back to the data access page design surface : ESC
Navigate in Datasheet view
To move to the Record number box then type the record number and press ENTER : F5
To move to the next field : TAB or RIGHT ARROW
To move to the last field in the current record, in Navigation mode : END
To move to the previous field : SHIFT+TAB, or LEFT ARROW
To move to the first field in the current record, in Navigation mode : HOME
To move to the current field in the next record : DOWN ARROW
To move to the current field in the last record, in Navigation mode : CTRL+DOWN ARROW
To move to the last field in the last record, in Navigation mode : CTRL+END
To move to the current field in the previous record : UP ARROW
To move to the current field in the first record, in Navigation mode : CTRL+UP ARROW
To move to the first field in the first record, in Navigation mode : CTRL+HOME
To go down one screen : PAGE DOWN
To go up one screen : PAGE UP
To go right one screen : CTRL+PAGE DOWN
To go left one screen : CTRL+PAGE UP
Navigate in subdatasheets
From the datasheet to expand the record’s subdatasheet : CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
To collapse the subdatasheet : CTRL+SHIFT+UP ARROW
To enter the subdatasheet from the last field of the previous record in the datasheet
To enter the subdatasheet from the first field of the following record in the datasheet
To exit the subdatasheet and move to the first field of the next record in the datasheet
To exit the subdatasheet and move to the last field of the previous record in the datasheet
From the last field in the subdatasheet to enter the next field in the datasheet
From the datasheet to bypass the subdatasheet and move to the next record in the datasheet
From the datasheet to bypass the subdatasheet and move to the previous record in the datasheet
Note : You can navigate between fields and records in a subdatasheet with the same shortcut keys used in Datasheet view
Navigate in Print Preview and Layout Preview
To open the Print dialog box
To open the Page Setup dialog box
To zoom in or out on a part of the page
To cancel Print Preview or Layout Preview
C or ESC
To move to the page number box; then type the page number and press ENTER
To view the next page (when Fit To Window is selected)
To view the previous page (when Fit To Window is selected)
To scroll down in small increments
To scroll down one full screen
To move to the bottom of the page
To scroll up in small increments
To scroll up one full screen
To move to the top of the page
To scroll to the right in small increments
To move to the right edge of the page
To move to the lower-right corner of the page
To scroll to the left in small increments
To move to the left edge of the page
To move to the upper-left corner of the page


Keys for working with text and data

Selecting text in a field
To extend one character to the right
To extend one word to the right
To extend one character to the left
To extend one word to the left
Selecting a field or record
Note : To cancel a selection, use the opposite arrow key.
To select the next field
To switch between Edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and Navigation mode
To switch between selecting the current record and the first field of the current record, in Navigation mode
To extend selection to the previous record, if the current record is selected
To extend selection to the next record, if the current record is selected
To select all records
To turn on Extend mode (EXT appears in the lower-right corner of the window); pressing F8 repeatedly extends the selection to the word, the field, the record (in Datasheet view only), and all records
To extend a selection to adjacent fields in the same row in Datasheet view
To extend a selection to adjacent rows in Datasheet view
To undo the previous extension
To cancel Extend mode
To select the current column or cancel the column selection, in Navigation mode only
To select the column to the right, if the current column is selected
To select the column to the left, if the current column is selected
To turn on Move mode; then press the RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW key to move selected column(s) to the right or left
Edit text and data
Note : If the insertion point isn't visible, press F2 to display it.
To move it one character to the right
To move it one word to the right
To move it one character to the left
To move it one word to the left
To move it to the end of the field, in single-line fields
To move it to the end of the field, in multiple-line fields
To move it to the beginning of the field, in single-line fields
To move it to the beginning of the field, in multiple-line fields
To copy the selection to the Clipboard
To cut the selection and copy it to the Clipboard
To paste the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point
To delete the selection or the character to the left of the insertion point
To delete the selection or the character to the right of the insertion point
To delete all characters to the right of the insertion point
To undo typing
To insert the current date
To insert the current time
To insert the default value for a field
To insert the value from the same field in the previous record
To add a new record
To delete the current record
To save changes to the current record
To switch between the values in a check box or option button
To insert a new line
To recalculate the fields in the window
To requery the underlying tables; in a subform, this requeries the underlying table for the subform only
Refresh the contents of a Lookup field list box or combo box

Database window shortcut keys

To rename a selected object
To move down one line
To move down one window
To move to the last object
To move up one line
To move up one window
To move to the first object
To cycle through the Objects bar top to bottom
To cycle through the Objects bar bottom to top
To open the selected table or query in Datasheet view, or form in Form view
To open the selected report in Print Preview
To open the selected data access page in Page view
To run the selected macro
To open the selected table, query, form, report, data access page, macro, or module in Design view
To create a new table, query, form, report, data access page, macro, or module
To refresh the Database window
To display the Immediate window in the Visual Basic Editor
To show the shortcut menu
To make the menu bar active
To show the program icon menu (on the program title bar)
With the menu or submenu is visible, to select the next or previous command
To select the menu to the left or right; or, when a submenu is visible, to switch between the main menu and the submenu
To select the first or last command on the menu or submenu
To close the visible menu and submenu at the same time
To close the visible menu; or, with a submenu visible, to close the submenu only
To select the next or previous toolbar
When a toolbar is active, to select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbar
When a menu on a toolbar is selected, to open the menu
When a button is selected, to perform the action assigned to a button
To switch to the next program
To switch to the previous program
To show the Windows Start menu
To close the active database window
To switch to the next database window
To switch to the previous database window
To restore the selected minimized window when all windows are minimized
To switch to the next tab in a dialog box
To switch to the previous tab in a dialog box
To move to the next option or option group
To move to the previous option or option group
To move between options in the selected drop-down list box, or to move between some options in a group of options
Arrow keys
To perform the action assigned to the selected button; select or clear the check box
To move to the option by the first letter in the option name in a drop-down list box
Letter key for the first letter in the option name you want (when a drop-down list box is selected)
To select the option, or to select or clear the check box by the letter underlined in the option name
ALT+letter key
To open the selected drop-down list box
To close the selected drop-down list box
To perform the action assigned to the default button in the dialog box
To cancel the command and close the dialog box
To close a dialog box
To move to the beginning of the entry
To move to the end of the entry
To move one character to the left or right
To move one word to the left or right
To select from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry
To select from the insertion point to the end of the entry
To select one character to the left
To select one character to the right
To select one word to the left
To select one word to the right
Go to the previous folder ()
Open the folder up one level from the open folder
(Up One Level button)
Close the dialog box, and open your World Wide WebWorld Wide Web search page (Search the Web button)
Delete the selected folder or file (Delete button )
Create a new subfolder in the open folder
(Create New Folder button)
Switch between List, Details, Properties, and Preview views
Show the Tools menu (Tools button)
Send the active database object as an e-mail message
Open the Address Book
Check the names in the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes against the Address Book
Select the next box in the e-mail header or the body of the message when the last box in the e-mail header is active
Select the previous field or button in the e-mail header


Global Access shortcut keys

To open a new database
To open an existing database
To quit Microsoft Access
To print the current or selected object
To open the Print dialog box
To open the Page Setup dialog box
To cancel Print Preview or Layout Preview
C or ESC
To save a database object
To open the Save As dialog box
F12 or ALT+F2
To open a combo box
To move down one line
To move down one page
To move up one line
To move up one page
To exit the combo box or list box
To open the Find tab in the Find and Replace dialog box (Datasheet view and Form view only)
To open the Replace tab in the Find and Replace dialog box (Datasheet view and Form view only)
To find the next occurrence of the text specified in the Find and Replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed (Datasheet view and Form view only)
To switch to the property sheet (Design view in forms and reports in databases and Access projects)
To switch to Form view from form Design view
To switch between the upper and lower portions of a window (Design view of tables, macros, and queries and the Advanced Filter/Sort window only)
To switch to the Code Builder from form or report Design view (Design view window or property sheet)
To switch from the Visual Basic Editor to form or report Design view
To open property sheet for a selected object
To add a control to a section
To copy the selected control to the Clipboard
To cut the selected control and copy it to the Clipboard
To paste the contents of the Clipboard in the upper-left corner of the selected section
To move the selected control to the right
To move the selected control to the left
To move the selected control up
To move the selected control down
To increase the height of the selected control
To increase the width of the selected control
To reduce the height of the selected control
To reduce the width of the selected control
To bring the Database window to the front
To cycle between open windows
To restore the selected minimized window when all windows are minimized
To turn on Resize mode for the active window when it’s not maximized; press the arrow keys to resize the window
To display the Control menu
To display the shortcut menu
To close the active window
To switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous active window
To switch to the Microsoft Script Editor from the previous active window

Keyboard shortcuts for windows

Useful shortcuts
Start + M: Minimizes all open windows
Start + Shift + M: Maximizes All Windows
Start + E: Runs Windows Explorer
Start + R: Open the RUN Dialog Box
Start + F: Open the Search Results Dialog box
Start + CTRL + F: Opens the Search Results-Computer dialog Box (if the computer is connected to a network)
Start + Pause (Break): Opens the System Properties Dialog Box
Windows System Key Combinations
F1: Help
CTRL + ESC: Open Start menu
ALT + TAB: Switch between open programs
ALT + F4: Quit program
SHIFT + DELETE: Delete item permanently

Windows Program Key Combinations
CTRL + C: Copy
CTRL + X: Cut
CTRL + V: Paste
CTRL + Z: Undo
CTRL + B: Bold
CTRL + U: Underline
CTRL + I: Italic

Mouse Click/Keyboard Modifier Combinations for Shell Objects
SHIFT + right click: Displays a shortcut menu containing alternative commands
SHIFT + double click: Runs the alternate default command (the second item on the menu)
ALT + double click: Displays properties
SHIFT + DELETE: Deletes an item immediately without placing it in the Recycle Bin

General Keyboard-Only Commands
F1: Starts Windows Help
F10: Activates menu bar options
SHIFT + F10: Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item
(this is the same as right clicking an object)
CTRL + ESC: Opens the Start menu (use the ARROW keys to select an item)
CTRL + ESC or ESC: Selects the Start button (press TAB to select the taskbar, or press SHIFT+F10 for a context menu)
ALT + DOWN ARROW: Opens a drop-down list box
ALT + TAB: Switch to another running program (hold down the ALT key and then press the TAB key to view the task-switching window)
SHIFT: Press and hold down the SHIFT key while you insert a CD-ROM to bypass the automatic-run feature
ALT + SPACE: Displays the main window's System menu (from the System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window)
ALT +- (ALT + hyphen) : Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI)child window's System menu (from the MDI child window's System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the child window)
CTRL + TAB: Switch to the next child window of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program
ALT + underlined letter in menu: Opens the menu
ALT + F4: Closes the current window
CTRL + F4: Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window
ALT + F6: Switch between multiple windows in the same program
ALT + F6: switches between the Find dialog box and the main Notepad window

Shell Objects and General Folder/Windows Explorer Shortcuts For a selected object
F2: Rename object
F3: Find all files
CTRL + X: Cut
CTRL + C: Copy
CTRL + V: Paste
SHIFT + DELETE: Delete selection immediately, without moving the item to the Recycle Bin
ALT + ENTER: Open the properties for the selected object
To Copy a File: Press and hold down the CTRL key while you drag the file to another folder.
To Create a Shortcut: Press and hold down CTRL+SHIFT while you drag a file to the desktop or a folder.

General Folder/Shortcut Control
F4: Selects the Go To A Different Folder box and moves down the entries in the box (if the toolbar is active in Windows Explorer)
F5: Refreshes the current window
F6: Moves among panes in Windows Explorer
CTRL + G: Opens the Go To Folder tool (in Windows 95 Windows Explorer only)
CTRL + Z: Undo the last command
CTRL + A: Select all the items in the current window
BACKSPACE: Switch to the parent folder
SHIFT + click + Close button: For folders, close the current folder plus all parent folders

Windows Explorer Tree Control
Numeric Keypad: Expands everything under the current selection
Numeric Keypad +: Expands the current selection
Numeric Keypad - : Collapses the current selection
RIGHT ARROW: Expands the current selection if it is not expanded, otherwise goes to the first child
LEFT ARROW: Collapses the current selection if it is expanded, otherwise goes to the parent
Properties Control
CTRL + TAB/CTRL + SHIFT + TAB: Move through the property tabs
Accessibility Shortcuts
Press SHIFT five times: Toggles sticky keys on and off
Press down and hold the right SHIFT key for eight seconds: Toggles Filter Keys on and off
Press down and hold the NUM LOCK key for five seconds: Toggles Toggle Keys on and off
Left ALT + left SHIFT+NUM LOCK: Toggles Mouse Keys on and off
Left ALT + left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN: Toggles high contrast on and off

Microsoft Natural Keyboard Keys
Windows Logo + R: Run dialog box
Windows Logo + M: Minimize all
SHIFT + Windows Logo+M: Undo minimize all
Windows Logo + F1: Help
Windows Logo + E: Windows Explorer
Windows Logo + F: Find files or folders
Windows Logo + D: Minimizes all open windows and displays the desktop
CTRL + Windows Logo + F: Find computer
CTRL + Windows Logo + TAB: Moves focus from Start, to the Quick Launch toolbar, to the system tray (use RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW to move focus to items on the Quick Launch toolbar and the system tray)
Windows Logo + TAB: Cycle through taskbar buttons
Windows Logo + Break: System Properties dialog box
Application key: Displays a shortcut menu for the selected item

Microsoft Natural Keyboard with IntelliType Software Installed
Windows Logo + L: Log off Windows
Windows Logo + P: Starts Print Manager
Windows Logo + C: Opens Control Panel
Windows Logo + V: Starts Clipboard
Windows Logo + K: Opens Keyboard Properties dialog box
Windows Logo + I: Opens Mouse Properties dialog box
Windows Logo + A: Starts Accessibility Options (if installed)
Windows Logo + SPACEBAR: Displays the list of Microsoft IntelliType shortcut keys
Windows Logo + S: Toggles CAPS LOCK on and off

Dialog Box Keyboard Commands
TAB: Move to the next control in the dialog box
SHIFT + TAB: Move to the previous control in the dialog box
SPACEBAR: If the current control is a button, this clicks the button. If the current control is a check box, this toggles the check box. If the current control is an option, this selects the option
ENTER: Equivalent to clicking the selected button (the button with the outline)
ESC: Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button
ALT + underlined letter in dialog box item: Move to the corresponding item.