
windows shortcut

Switch to the next program: ALT+TAB.
Switch to the previous program: ALT+SHIFT+TAB.
Display the Windows Start menu: CTRL+ESC.
Close the selected workbook window: CTRL+W or CTRL+F4.
Restore the window size of the selected workbook window: CTRL+F5.
When more than one workbook window is open, switch to the next workbook window: CTRL+F6.
Switch to the previous workbook window: CTRL+SHIFT+F6.
Minimize a workbook window to an icon: CTRL+F9.
Maximize or restore the selected workbook window: CTRL+F10.
Copy a picture of the screen to the Clipboard: PRINT SCREEN.
Copy a picture of the selected window to the Clipboard: ALT+PRINT SCREEN.
Select the next item in a smart tag menu: DOWN ARROW.
Select the previous item in a smart tag menu: UP ARROW.
Perform the action for the selected item in a smart tag menu: ENTER.
Close the smart tag menu or message: ESC.
Select the menu bar, or close an open menu and submenu at the same time: F10 or ALT.
When a toolbar is selected, select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbar: TAB or SHIFT+TAB.
When a toolbar is selected, select the next or previous toolbar: CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB.
Open the selected menu, or perform the action for the selected button or command: ENTER.
Display the Shortcut menu for the selected item: SHIFT+F10.
Display the Control menu for the Excel window: ALT+SPACEBAR.
When a menu or submenu is open, select the next or previous command: DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW.
Select the menu to the left or right. When a submenu is open, switch between the main menu and the submenu: LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW.
Select the first or last command on the menu or submenu: HOME or END.
Close an open menu. When a submenu is open, close only the submenu: ESC.
Display the full set of commands on a menu: CTRL+DOWN ARROW.
Show or hide the Standard toolbar: CTRL+7.
Move to the next option or option group: TAB.
Move to the previous option or option group: SHIFT+TAB.
Switch to the next tab in a dialog box: CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box: CTRL+SHIFT+TAB or CTRL+PAGE UP.
Perform the action for the selected button, or select or clear the selected check box: SPACEBAR.
Open the selected drop-down list: ALT+DOWN ARROW.
Perform the action for the default command button in the dialog box (the button with the bold outline, often the OK button): ENTER.
Cancel the command and close the dialog box: ESC.
Move to the beginning of the entry: HOME.
Move to the end of the entry: END.
Move one character to the left or right: LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW.
Move one word to the left: CTRL+LEFT ARROW.
Move one word to the right: CTRL+RIGHT ARROW.
Select or unselect one character to the left: SHIFT+LEFT ARROW.
Select or unselect one character to the right: SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW.
Select or unselect one word to the left: CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW.
Select or unselect one word to the right: CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW.
Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry: SHIFT+HOME.
Select from the insertion point to the end of the entry: SHIFT+END.
Go to the previous folder: ALT+1